Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Interpretation the Legend of Kemaro Island

According to my mind, of course the protagonist one was siti Fatimah and Tan Bull Ann prince. Because siti Fatimah had very nice attitude, not only beautiful but also she was a loyal woman. She is an obedient daughter so, she always did everything what her father’s asked to her.  In this story, siti Fatimah was falling in love with Tan Bull ann. He was also good character in this story, he was a prince from kingdom in the china. He went to south Sumatra because he wanted to develop his father’s business. But, to did the trade in south Sumatra the businessmen must pay the tax to the king. The prince accepted it and work hard in his business. He was also diligent, enthusiasm, handsome and smart prince, but impatience.
So, who the antagonist one? Of course, he was the king of south Sumatra kingdom. He was a greedy and arrogant king, he wanted his daughter marry with a rich person.
I like the way price to get married with siti Fatimah, he’s struggle and spirit will be remembered ever after. :D

Based on the story, there was the character that I really hate. Yeah, he is the king of south Sumatra kingdom. I don’t like him because he just wanted to let his daughter married with rich person. His thought just oriented in benefits, wealth and material.  It is really not fair. How poor siti Fatimah is. Thus, I don’t like him because he had bad personality, such as arrogant, unwise and materialistic.

This incident happened in South Sumatra, specifically in the edge of Musi River. There was some place that had the empire who leaded by the avaricious king. I do like this setting because I live in Palembang and I proud of it. The legend of kemaro Island become popular in the world. There are many researcher from other country do their research in Palembang. I love it :D

In my opinion, the most important part in this story is when Tan Bull Ann realized his mistaken. He kicked the jar into the river whereas in the jar there was some gold. Why it is important part because this part tell us the moralize that the reader can learn. If we are in the panic situation, try to calm down and patient, think before do.   

Obviously, I can feel what the characters felt in this story. I think, if I in that situation, I will do the rational thing. For example, told the truth what we feel and did alternative way in order to maintain people who we love. I can imagine what I will do, even though it is the hardest decision, I will not let my love just go and leave me. I will always in her side and love her.

I think, the prince had responsible, honest, kind and independent. He did everything what the king asked to him. He paid the all payment of his business to the king. Even, when he wanted to marry with siti Fatimah, he tried to fulfill the entire requirement from Fatimah’s father. But in the end, he did not thorough a small things. No, I’m not. I do disagree with the king. He is so materialistic. He just wanted the money from Tan Bull Ann.

Sacrifice. Love need sacrificial. If we already do commitment with something, it means we are ready to sacrifice everything we had. Love is not only needs your oral spoken, but also need to prove with your sacrificial. Don’t try to say love if you not ready sacrifice. It is just falsehood.

Actually, I never did the story like this legend. Although I ever did my careless thing, I already forget it. Poor me. But, I ever watch the film which had same thing like this legend. The title is “18+”. That film told me how we could defend our love to someone even she had a killer sickness. The woman was sick and had many trouble with some bad boy. She ever made mistaken when she join the gangster. The man tried to keep her save. But, finally he was killed by the leader of that gangster. The woman tried to against. It is useless. She also died by the gangster’s gun. But, in the end of her life, she keep smile until she closed her eyes. She very satisfied could go away together with her soul mate. So dramatic. It was the same with Fatimah’s did. Between the film and this legend has the same thing about the struggle to maintain her true love. In culture, social life and religion view, it is bad thing and not allows doing. Don’t end our life for the sake of LOVE. Mean your life by doing the positive thing.

Tan Bull Ann almost do what the questions suggest. To be married with siti Fatimah, he did many things. First of all he work hard to be a rich man like the king wanted. He confident, he will married with siti Fatimah, he also do in right way. He didn’t want married siti Fatimah without the king approval. He was responsible with his work. He really love Fatimah so much.

I think, the plot of this story is interesting. It is go forward. In the end of this legend is so tragic. They ends their life in the river and after that there are the soil which grow every time then become an island named “Kemaro Island”. the writer tell us about the small foulness thing that can happen when we panic. That is the moralize that can learned by the reader.

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